February 3, 1975 the first plane to land Ercan airport, two passengers on the plane was both Air Traffic Controllers. Turan Güçlü director of Civil Aviation Autority and the second, founder chairman of Cyprus Turkish Air Traffic Controllers Association Hasan Özkan. The pilot of the plane, Captain Aytekin Bilge, F28 aircraft type ‘Samsun’ named plane from Ankara to Ercan has landed on runway 16/34 at time 11:30 (Source: Turan GÜÇLÜ/Hasan ÖZKAN).
The Second Director Of Civil Aviation
Turan GÜÇLÜ, born in 6 April 1940. He started his school life at the age of 5. 1957 he started working at the Nicosia Airport. He was working along side greek and turkish colleagues at the communications department. Turan GÜÇLÜ, 1961 he had passed an exam along side Cafer Niyazi Mehmet and Mustafa to become an Assistan Air Traffic Controller. 1961, 4 Turkish and 7 Greek personel were sent to Scotland for 2 years for Air Traffic Control Training. Güçlü, between years 1961-1963 he had succesfully compleated his training. 21 March 1977 he had played a big part in publishing Notam A01/77 for Ercan Advisory Airspace. As The Second Director Of Civil Aviation, he worked in this position between years 1978-1981. Turan GÜÇLÜ, after his retirement in 1984, he played a big part in the creation of Cyprus Turkish Aeronautical Association.
Also Turan GÜÇLÜ is the first branch supervisor in Ercan Air Traffic Control Unit.

18.10.1935 Hasan Ozkan was born in Larnaca. 1942-1948 he went to elementary, secondary and high school. He completed his education in American Academy, 1948-1955.
Working Life: 1955-1957 Royal Air Force,1957-1962 Labour Department, Civil Aviation 1962-1963, 1964-1970 military task, Bayrak Radio Proofreader/reporter-News English 1970-1979 and Ercan Air Traffic – Qualified Controller 1975-1979. General Secretary Of Cyprus Turkish Airlines, 1980-1988. Hasan Ozkan served as a manager for the area of London Heathrow Airport between the years 1982-1985. Hasan Özkan, participated international airlines high level meetings on behalf of the CTA within the period of his tenure in London and he introduced the airlines on the best way.
Hasan Ozkan, was a founder president of the Cyprus Turkish Air Traffic Controllers Assosociation and he has taken an active role in IFATCA during his period. Hasan Ozkan, February 3, 1975 was in the plane with Turan Güçlü, which was the first flight that landed to Ercan Airport by F28.