Kemal Uzunoglu is the first male air traffic controller of the Turkish Aviation History. Kemal Uzunoğlu was born on March 28, 1930.Between the years of 1959-1962, he completed his education in Skoçya.He worked as an Air Traffic Controller at Lefkoşa International Airport between 1960-1963. In 1958, he took part in TMT (Turkish Resistance Movement). Kemal Uzunoğlu regularly received his Air Traffic Control course refresher training in London. He spoke English, Turkish and Greek. Mr.Uzunoğlu died in 1970 in Ağrotur Hospital, where he was treated for cancer. Kemal Uzunoğlu has a pilot son named Kerman Uzunoğlu. He received his love for piloting from his father. Kerman Uzunoglu is also a member of ‘‘Aircraft Accident and Investigation Board Research Committee’’of the Civil Aviation Authority in London.